Refractory. What an ugly word.

In last month’s update, I mentioned an uptick in one of the cancer markers. Shortly after that update a routine lab prompted a flurry of diagnostic activity (new PET, biopsy, office sit down, etc.)  and the results are not what we wanted to hear. So – after 9 months of chemo and steadily chipping away at this bastard, our girl is basically starting over with a new drug. Supposedly, it is the bombdigity and tailer made for a stubborn cancer of this type. God and I will have words one day. Anyway – Cathy is a fighter and remains tough but a  9 month slog is unforgiving and weighs on her each day.    The Early October labs will be a special MM deep dive and will give us some indication of how this new drug is performing. Meanwhile -  Say a prayer for our girl, and tell your friends to do the same. 

July 24 news for record

Hello Friend, Happy 4th of July Week end !  Enjoy your BBQ Spare Ribs and raise a toast to the long line of the men and women in uniform who make this celebration possible. Freedom is not free.It has been awhile since I gave you a solid farm and food update  - I will do that, and get you right to the good eating update. A Cathy battle update link at the end.  Quick News   >  The next Home delivery is next Thursday - 11 July Orders in by this time next week.>  We have returned to The Knoxville Farmers Market.   >  Non GMO & Corn and Soy Free Chicken is now availble.  >  Remember - Soy and Corn Free chicken is in the drop down menu when ordering.  >  Improved price on ground chicken. $12 lb.  >  Please think on your winter Whole and Half Hog requirments. Reservations open. > The last round of chicken was very large ,  too large really.  We have made some refinements and are working hard to get back to normal sizes. Be patient. We are small, but small outfits can react faster than big outfits.  Ok,  thats it for news. Below is a fun farm pictorial update, an inventory update, and Cathy Update at the end. See you out there, Kevin and Cathy  The turkeys have graduated to real pasture grazing. The turkey is an exeptional grazer - taking in all the goodness pastures offer. This goodness will take the form of lots of ground turkey and boneless skinless breasts this fall. The Farm Stand is ready for State Electrical Inspection. We are close. Life Happens. A defiant momma hen finds a way. The farm keeps rolling. Thanksgiving Turkeys are in the house. Stay dialed in for new ordering procedures for Thanksgiving birds this fall. Inventory Update  >  Eggs. Plenty of eggs.  >  Pasture Raised Chicken. Available to order. Next Harvest in 2 weeks. Next Harvest will have more whole birds.    >  Pasture Raised Turkey.  Next ground Turkey availble in 13 August  Newsletter. New thanksgiving bird ordering forthcoming.  >  Grass fed Lamb. Heavy sale catagory.   > Forest Raised Pork. Most cuts in stock. Low on chops, No tenderloin. >  Kipland Ridge Beef.  Most cuts in stock.  >  Seasonal Seafood.  We are waiting.     Shop the StoreCathy Update JulyBe safe and we will see you out thereKevin and Cathy JacobiLand Basket Farm2707 Warrensburg Road, Russellville Tn. align="center" valign="top" id="templateBody" data-template-container="">Start Shopping

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