Obituary & Arrangements

written by

kevin Jacobi

posted on

January 11, 2025

There is an enormous amount of love, support and testimonials on a private group (FB) called Friends and Family of Cathy Jacobi. If you want to read more about who she was to people, ask to join and admin will open. There is also quite abit on the LBF FB page. 

Following Cathy’s death, there was a lot of information passed on social media channels - a key posting was from me – describing Cathy’s wishes and what we are trying to do:

Cathy’s wishes

Cathy’s battle over the last year has been tumultuous but on one particular day during one of her chemotherapy runs , we sat in the hospital cafeteria eating lunch.

On that day she felt good and being there was kind of routine and that day she was clear headed and spoke of other things than Being in the hospital

She said something that gave me a window of opportunity to have a conversation we had always avoided.  One I felt we needed to have.

What if you don’t make it ?  What do you want to happen. ?  I mean we never talk about it and we have always avoided filling out these advance directives the hospital says do…..

“Yeah - - your right ! We should do this. So here is what I want …… “   and she just started talking like she was talking about something she planned to do on the farm. Very matter of fact. I took notes.

“ I don’t want people to be sad.  I want to be cremated, and I want people to come see me but not be sad - some kind of visitation or something so folks can say goodbye. 

"You will do two things with my ashes :  first, I want Gypsy’s ashes with me when I am cremated (she lost gypsy[dog] at NTC and has carried her cremated ashes everywhere. They stay in her jewelry box. ). Then I want half of me to be Buried with you when you die - so you have to figure that out".

"After that, I want you to take a trip to Germany and go for a hike like we used to do and spread my ashes in the Alps. - I lived another life there, in another time and I want to go back. “

So there is the story of what is driving the train in the wake of Cathy’s passing. 

She was not supposed to die in January-  she was supposed to finish CAR-T therapy and get a new lease on what promised to be a durable remission period that would allow her more time - more time to see Penelope grow up, more time to see her friends.

That did not happen , which shocked us greatly.  I was not prepared and those who loved her felt robbed yet again.

So that’s what we are doing here in Tennessee- trying to honor her as a person, a lady who loved and cared deeply for everyone around her. To honor a woman who put everyone else’s needs before her own. 

Cathy did not like dragging things out - she would say - “hell no , get that done husband” or something like that

So we have moved out like she would have wanted to honor her appropriately. Her celebration of life event is being design to her wishes

“ I don’t want people to be sad “  “Yeah their gonna be , but I don't want it to sad”

Hence a celebration of life- with good food , music, pictures, AV, flowers , and talks so people can mingle and fellowship , eat and share stories so they can say good bye.

Now you know.  If you can - come join us in celebrating the life a great lady we are going to miss so very very much

Obituary Information:

Venue & Parking Story Board Aide for Travelers 


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