Delivered to our animals through pasture rotation every day. We pursue holistic, natural methods whenever possible, and limit artificial inputs. We believe there is a direct link between meat quality and the animal’s stress during its life.
We chose Land Basket Farm to communicate and acknowledge that the land and soil are America’s true breadbasket. We work to first enrich the soil and land, and in turn they enrich us and animal’s lives that sustain us.
Chicks are exposed to pasture on day 5 - free to go in and out of the brooder. We believe this technique creates a highly skilled forager who is adept at utilizing the grass, bugs, and grubs of the pasture.
Not confined and live their lives entirely pastures. We utilize intensive pasture rotations to ensure consistent access to fresh grass.
We do not give our animals antibiotics in their feed. Our momma sheep however are allowed to be treated if sick. We believe it is ethical to treat a sick animal vice adhering strictly to this protocol. Feeder stock such as chicken and pork that needs treatment is culled from the retail market.
Our feeds contain No GMOs. We source our feeds from an Amish mill in Virginia that specializes in Non GMO grains that are animal biproduct free.
We do not give our animals Hormones.
Feed is Soy and Corn Free Mill is Resaca Sun in Resaca Ga.
Raised in the woods and rotates to new woodlots often.