March 2024 Newsletter for record

written by

kevin Jacobi

posted on

May 6, 2024

Hey Friend, 

You know, the upside to owning our own clean meat business is that I get to eat our  own product when ever I want.

Now,  I don't do that as a matter of course - but lately we've been eating alot of Tuna Loin Steaks  - cuz they are so easy to cook, and truthfully - they are not really moving. 

I don't really blame folks for the not selling part  -  Tuna Loin Steaks are not  something you think of on your morning jog when your running through dinner options for the week .... but for the record they are pretty darn good.  

A cast Iron seared Tuna Loin Steak is the bomb diggity -  and I ain't saying that just because I'm trying to sell you one ..... - hell, I am happy to eat the whole inventory myself.   

 Anyway, ..... check out this simple recipe.  
Below you will find the usual inventory update, and we have added a few other Blog links you may find useful. 

See you out there, 
Kevin and Cathy
Fullfillment and Nourish Knoxville Market. 
As you may know, we have ended the winter's market early. Honestly, this is mostly about Cathy and being able to tend to her needs. We will return with the best Chicken ever, I promise. 
Updates on inventory  
>  Eggs. Doing well.  

>  Pasture Raised Chicken. We are out of everything except leg quarters, liver and hearts and pup cups.

We will skip batch # 1 of Pastured Chicken this year in favor of getting Cathy through the Chemo phase of her fight.

This means that the best chicken ever is not available till June (you are used to May).

If you need good chicken in the mean time, reach out and let me connect you to another producer like me, who I trust taking care of you. 

By the way - 2024 Chicken Season will produce the Classic Non Gmo bird you are used to and New Bird - Free of GMO, Soy and Corn... Cleanest chicken ever ! 

>  Pasture Raised Turkey.  Thighs, Wingtletts, drumletts, backs for stock, turkey legs and Whole turkey available.  

>  Grass fed Lamb. All cuts in stock except racks. 

> Forest Raised Pork. All cuts in stock.

>  Beef Inventory Updated. All cuts in stock. 

>  Seafood.  Filets, minced, bone, collars, belly - all in stock    
Useful Links 
>  Lately, alot of new customers are joining us and we are fielding alot of questions about how on farm orders pick works  -So check out the blog link below that explains
On Farm Pick Up
>  Many of you are following Cathy's Battle with Cancer. See link below
Cathy Update - March
>  A key Blog post that outlines the Top 10 Reasons why buying local is better for you, your people and the world you live in.    
Top 10 Reason Why local is better

We love you guys, stay safe and we will see you out there

Kevin and Cathy Jacobi
Land Basket Farm
2707 Warrensburg Road, Russellville Tn. 37860

More from the blog

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Big and Small

The Spring of 19 was a glorious time. Cathy and I had the house remodel behind us, having moved in just before Christmas a few months earlier. We were so excited to start working on our dreams. It was a busy time, trying to rotate sheep in half-fenced pastures. My wife was such a trooper—I’d drive posts, and she would equip herself with a bucket full of insulators, a hammer, and earbuds and take off—we were a fencing machine. Cathy and I fenced this whole farm in 2019 – me driving, her insulating and running wire. We were so excited to be doing it. At night we would crash, exhausted but fulfilled by a good day's work. I have fond memories of those days punkin’ – I did not deserve a girl as good as you and truthfully didn’t realize it at the time. I realize it now. I look back on this past year with anger – anger about what life did to you. I long for the days of returning home from work something and having you there to kiss and say – “hey babe how was your morning”. I long to see you again. That feeling never leaves me, ever. Somedays I run into something, and the great wall of water comes raging down again….... it is so hard to believe you are no longer here – no longer beside me. It is unfathomable sometimes. That Spring and subsequent Springs thereafter - I remember thinking, “This place is not so big…. it’s not big enough – the land, the home – all of it too small. Now without you with me – this place is a black hole of emptiness, and it is so big. I look out and feel swallowed by it all. With you I was a giant that could gaze upon my domain with prideful dreams …………without you I feel small and alone – fearful of the vast emptiness that lurks in every corner. Please visit me again – feel my nostrils with your sweet scent of spice one more time. I love you and miss you Punkin' Bread.

with customization by Good Roots