April 2024 News for record

written by

kevin Jacobi

posted on

May 6, 2024

In the Spring our thoughts turn to raising great chicken... and the final prep in brooders, tractors, facilities, the crew, the schedule and the Freezers. 

Freezer readiness means - On Sale time. Sales began last month and we build on that this month so we can ready the facility for this year's chicken. 

Below you will find a quick update on home delivery, the enterprises, Spring Sale items and a super farm update at the end.

See you out there, 
Kevin and Cathy  
Home Delivery News    
Terry Maser and Donna Russert take over our bi weekly home delivery service. These two ladies run all our value added activities as well.

If I had to attribute our survival to anyone in these tough times it would be these two wonderful ladies. 

I am so grateful for them - please extend your appreciation too for their efforts to keep us going. 
Terry takes care of our Morristown, Jefferson City and the Greater Dandridge / White Pine area. 
Donna takes care of our Knoxville customers. 
Enterprises & Inventory    

Fresh Eggs. Strong production, don't be shy. We're back in Yoder's Market. Pickled eggs soon. Still packing in an interim carton.    

Forest Raised Pork. Inventory OK. Pork Chops low.  Next Whole and Half opportunity is Oct/ Nov. > Pasture Raised Chicken.  Sold out of everything except, Leg Quarters, Hearts and Liver. Chicken ordering will open with the June 4 newsletter.  

Beef Inventory Updated. More filets, ribeyes, roasts and soup bones. Price improvement on ground.   

> Pasture Raised Turkey.  Thighs, legs, wingletts remain. No more ground. Tip - An odd cut, but winglettes make a great stock making item. More skin, bone, meat and a higher fat content - a rich stock indeed.     

> Grass Fed Lamb  A heavy "on Sale catagory". Most cuts in stock. No leg of lamb.  
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** On Sale **     
.... alittle bit of everything.  Good stock up opportunity on Lamb, some seafood, pork and beef. 
Shop On Sale
Some Great Farm News ....... 
The spirit of bartering is alive in Tennessee  - Thanks to E&W Construction for getting the subfloor laid in the store - for the low, low price of a hog and a lamb. 

Stephen did such a great job, we persuaded him to frame it and put the roof on so we can do easy stuff and get it up and running this fall  - Framing starts next week !!

We are excited !! (and grateful for our momma sheep for financing it : ) ). Stay tuned.  

To read Cathy's Battle - April Update Click here. https://landbasketfarm.com/blog/cathys-battle-april-update 

Be safe and we will see you soon.

Kevin and Cathy Jacobi
Land Basket Farm
2707 Warrensburg Road, Russellville Tn. 37860

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Big and Small

The Spring of 19 was a glorious time. Cathy and I had the house remodel behind us, having moved in just before Christmas a few months earlier. We were so excited to start working on our dreams. It was a busy time, trying to rotate sheep in half-fenced pastures. My wife was such a trooper—I’d drive posts, and she would equip herself with a bucket full of insulators, a hammer, and earbuds and take off—we were a fencing machine. Cathy and I fenced this whole farm in 2019 – me driving, her insulating and running wire. We were so excited to be doing it. At night we would crash, exhausted but fulfilled by a good day's work. I have fond memories of those days punkin’ – I did not deserve a girl as good as you and truthfully didn’t realize it at the time. I realize it now. I look back on this past year with anger – anger about what life did to you. I long for the days of returning home from work something and having you there to kiss and say – “hey babe how was your morning”. I long to see you again. That feeling never leaves me, ever. Somedays I run into something, and the great wall of water comes raging down again….... it is so hard to believe you are no longer here – no longer beside me. It is unfathomable sometimes. That Spring and subsequent Springs thereafter - I remember thinking, “This place is not so big…. it’s not big enough – the land, the home – all of it too small. Now without you with me – this place is a black hole of emptiness, and it is so big. I look out and feel swallowed by it all. With you I was a giant that could gaze upon my domain with prideful dreams …………without you I feel small and alone – fearful of the vast emptiness that lurks in every corner. Please visit me again – feel my nostrils with your sweet scent of spice one more time. I love you and miss you Punkin' Bread.

with customization by Good Roots