MAY 24 News for Record

written by

kevin Jacobi

posted on

May 19, 2024

Hey Friend, 

Ok, Lets talk cooking. A few months ago I bought extra crock pot because I cook alot for us.  

My new found friend is the instant pot. This thing is the bomb diggidy. I know what your saying - Kevin - your slow, every body has an instant pot.

Maybe not or maybe you bought one and have not taken the leap.  Truthfully, mine had been sitting on the counter for a few months - finally I bought a 5 ingredient only instant pot cook book. Game changer. 

If you are a busy mom or just busy and trying to eat better, finding good food is one thing - finding time & techniques to prepare it - is another. 

This thing can help you, particularly when you didn't do the meal planning you should have earlier in the week. If you like to cook - get one.    
Useful News   
Fullfillment Reminders - via On Farm pick up, Home delivery and markets.  
  • On farm pick up orders are every Saturday. Often we get you packed early and will text you when its ready. If you have an on farm pick up you need early, let me know in the notes,  
  • We deliver every 2 weeks to the Greater Morristown Area, Jeff City Dandridge and Knoxville.
  • For customers who get their stuff at both markets and home delivery-  remember it is easy to change fullfillment options  - see the word [change] in the green banner above the landing page picture. (below) 
  • For our Knoxville customers who have been using home delivery this winter, but prefer farmers market pick up on Saturdays  - I will remind you in the June newsletter to change your fullment option to "market"
  • We return to the Knoxville Farmers Market on 15 June.  
Farm Store  
The Farm Store will be a thing of beauty and great for our community. We still have electricity to go, inside walls, flooring, front porch and steps and french door, but we are shooting for this summer / fall. 
Last month for Salmon.   
  • This is the last month for remaining Salmon and Tuna inventory. We are in talks now with Melissa in Alaska and she is saying mid summer for the next round of fish
  • I will keep you posted.  
Forest Raised Pork    
  • New Price on Sausage and Ground (lower).  
Kipland Ridge Beef.   
  • Another Beef hits our freezer in a few weeks. Be patient on the Ground Beef.   
Ok,  thats it for news - Below are inventory updates on all the pastured meats and a May blog update on Miss Cathy.  

See you out there, 
Kevin and Cathy  
To get an update on Miss Cathy check out the May Blog Post for 6 May. 
Cathy Update - May
Updates on inventory  
>  Eggs. Strong. Back in Yoders Market.   

>  Pasture Raised Chicken. Only liver and hearts instock. Chicken ordering opens on Saturday, June 8th - Save the date. Corn and soy free chicken opens the following week.   

>  Pasture Raised Turkey.  Thighs on sale.  Next ground turkey is in August.   

>  Grass fed Lamb.  Most cuts in stock except racks. Heavy sale catagory.  

> Forest Raised Pork. All cuts in stock. New price on Sausage (lower). Whole and Halves preorders are open for October / November. 

>  Kipland Ridge Beef. All cuts in stock (less Filet Mignon and Ground beef). Next restock date is later this month - 24 May. Everything updated in time for the 30 May Home Delivery cycle.     

>  Seafood.  Most cuts in stock, very low on Tuna Steaks. Several sale items.     
On Sale Items 
  • Beef Liver
  • Beef New York Strip Steak 
  • Beef Short Ribs 
  • Lamb bones for bone broth
  • Lamb Rump roast
  • Lamb Shoulder Roast
  • Ground Lamb
  • Minced Salmon 
  • Salmon Frames for broth making
  • Tuna Loin Ends
  • Pork Fat
  • Pork Belly Blocked 
  • Turkey legs 
  • Whole Thighs  
Shop On Sale
Shop the Whole Store

Be safe and we will see you out there

Kevin and Cathy Jacobi
Land Basket Farm
2707 Warrensburg Road, Russellville Tn. 37860

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