July 24 News letter for record

written by

kevin Jacobi

posted on

August 13, 2024

With July's chicken harvests behind us, we look ahead to the upcoming Turkey Harvests and the next crop of forest raised pork -  which hits the farm this week.

I encourage you to be thinking about your winter pork requirements as a family and if a whole or half hog will serve you well.... in next newsletter (13 August) I will publish the blog - "How to buy, store and eat through a whole pig"

Ok - this newsletter gives you:
* Quick news - Heavy on Turkey, to include Thanksgiving Turkey pre-order infomation.
* A good rundown on inventory , especially chicken
* A Cathy's Battle Update at the end

Good Food News
>  August Turkey. This month's turkey harvest is dedicated to ground turkey and a few boneless skinless turkey breasts.  Bulk buying (6 packs) will be availble for ground. Available to order in the 13 August Newsletter.

Thanksgiving Turkey, Non GMO and Corn and Soy Free.

>  Thanksgiving Harvest Day is 9 October. This is much earlier than last year, but we have to move the turkeys to make room for the November Pork. We are not doing fresh turkeys this year.

>  Early bird purchase and pick up is encouraged & incentivized with an Early Bird price of $9.99 lb. if preordered and picked up before Halloween. $12.50 lb. after Nov 1. Limited Farmer's market pick up availible.

>  Early bird purchase is a deposit arrangement ($ 75) that will be applied to final weight.

>  Bird weight range is expected to be 14-23lbs. Please specify desired size when ordering.

>  Don't stress sourcing Thanksgiving -  Order the Early Bird today.  (https://landbasketfarm.com/store/product/deposit-on-pasture-raised-turkey-non-gmo)

>  November Hogs. Our 15 teenagers hit the farm this week and will grow up in the Northern Woodlot. We are excited. Whole animal reservations are already coming in. Reserve yours today or wait and read the blog in two weeks and see if that helps inform your decision making.
Ok,  thats it for news. Below is an inventory update. Cathy Battle Update here.  (https://landbasketfarm.com/blog/slap-my-leg-again)

See you out there,
Kevin and Cathy
Inventory Update
>  Eggs. Eggs are still strong, but we are seeing the late summer production drop begin. If you want em, order em.

>  Pasture Raised Chicken. Most cuts in stock of both Non GMO and Soy and Corn Free (csf).

>  Pasture Raised Turkey. Thanksgiving Early bird pre-order available here. (https://landbasketfarm.com/store/product/deposit-on-pasture-raised-turkey-non-gmo) Next Ground Turkey & Boneless breasts availble to order 13 August.

> Forest Raised Pork. No chops, mild sausage or tenderloin. Pork shoulder, ribs, Italian Sausage, ground pork avalaible.

>  Kipland Ridge Beef. Most cuts in stock.

Eat Better, Live longer
Kevin and Cathy Jacobi
Land Basket Farm
2707 Warrensburg Road, Russellville Tn. 37860

Start Shopping (https://www.landbasketfarm.com)

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More from the blog

Part II - Who is outliving us & why ?

In this installment, I list the top 10 countries and then look at the per capita data on what those populations are eating in 7 areas: Red and White meats, Fish and Seafood, milk and dairy, eggs, vegetables, starches - potatoes and rice. I will compare the USA (#49) vs East Asians (Japan and South Korea and Hong Kong). I will forgo charts on the leading Europeans (Switzerland, Italy and Spain) and summarize summarize their data at the end.

with customization by Good Roots