How on Farm Orders Pick Up Works
posted on
February 25, 2025
How on Farm Pick Up works (Spring 2025)
The Store serves as the hub for orders pick up and local eggs sales.
It is unmanned 98% of the time and designed to self-serve. Hopefully by this summer, we get more going in the store – manned, other farm products, free shopping etc.
Friday and Saturday are Orders pick up days
The store is open all the time – so, you do not have to coordinate a time to come – just come when it it works for you. I don’t have to be there for you to pick up. It is nice if I am- so we can visit, but it is not a requirement – so don’t think you need to coordinate – you effectively have coordinated by placing the order.
Meat orders will be in the big chest freezer (one of the right)
If your order includes eggs – they are in one of refrigerators in a grocery bag with your name on it.
Eggs not in a bag are for local folks who drop in for eggs.
Wednesday and Thursday are our Packing days for orders. Once your order is packed, it will be moved to the store for pick up.
You will not be contacted that your order is packed – just know it gets packed on Wednesday or Thursday.
If you cannot wait till Friday or Saturday for pick up & need your order by Thursday – that is not problem - you are welcome to call or text to make sure we are done and have moved the order.
A quick call is easy and I am happy to let you know you are ready.
Farmer Kevin , 423.202.4924