Cathy's Battle - August 27 Update

written by

kevin Jacobi

posted on

August 27, 2024

Cathy Update 8/27/2024

It has been a long month but there have been some good things that have happened for Cathy.

First, the bone marrow biopsy came back with great results. She started out at about 80% bad cells and now is only 8 % !!!!   We are so very close the stem cell transplant.

However, The Doc wants to do a 9th round of chemo to be safe. As it turns out her IgA numbers have ticked up slightly, so the 9th round is probably prudent.

In the PT department Cathy is doing great - every week new developments happen in the leg movement. This is very encouraging – and it seems like every M/W/F we have a little celebration.

This week, Cathy finally got into see the Psychiatrist who is going to be a part of Cathys team for the long haul and for the short term try to help Cathy with some muscle spasms issues that add to her daily challenges … which she does not need.

Wound – we are very close on this front, but wounds are stubborn. We finally bought the special roho mattress and that is a big help. No major concerns in this area, but it is an exhausting aspect of this journey.

Way ahead – round 9 will end mid-September and another biopsy will follow.  I am hopeful that early October finds us at UT doing stem cell transplant evaluation.

OK, that’s all I have. Keep Cathy in your prayers.

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