1/11/24 Cathy's Battle - Update

written by

kevin Jacobi

posted on

January 12, 2024

Cathy completed 15/15 radiation sessions. Final MRI used to gauge progress shows tumor has receded out of the spinal canal and the portion of the tumor on the outside is reduced by 50% . Radiology oncologist stated they were hoping for more and want Cathy to return after rehab to reassess wether or not we are done with radiation.  UT Neurologist did a consult with Cathy stating there is impairment to the spinal cord, but time will tell for sure to what extent. 

Promising little things - Cathy and I do our own brand of physical therapy each morning  - range of motion, and pushing little things that are coming to life.  In her right foot she can engage a “gas pedal” reflect and push down. Since she lost her legs weeks ago the left leg has not been able to do anything. In the last 72 hours she can do some gas pedal on the left foot and today she could pull it upward slightly .  I’m addition, Cathy says she is starting to feel tingling in the legs. We are super excited about this - despite Mr Neurologist.

On 11 January Cathy was transferred to the Patricia Neal Acute Rehabilitation Hospital in west Knoxville. For a few weeks Cathy will undergo some intense therapy to try and regain as much as she can. This will a challenging part of the battle. 

The systemic disease (Multiple Myeloma) While we battle this unfortunate paralysis, the nature of her bone marrow is changing, but blood profile continues to look good. And Chief oncologist says we are ok to take a couple of weeks for rehab before starting the real fight. 

The real fight. After Pat Neal we will enter the Home health phase where radiation will be re-evaluated and chemotherapy started on an outpatient basis through the Thompson Cancer Center here in Morristown. 

Cathy is keenly aware of what is happening. She has a positive attitude and is excited about the therapy she will receive over the coming weeks. 

What can you do?  Send encouragement-  fb support page, pm or text.  You are welcome to send a card too.  They fill her with strength.  Cards and such can be sent directly to Pat Neal Rehab in West Knoxville or to Land Basket Farm.  

Kevin and Cathy JacobiLand Basket Farm 423.202.4924

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