Slap my Leg Again !

written by

kevin Jacobi

posted on

July 29, 2024

Blog 7/29/24 – Slap my leg Again!   

We have started outpatient physical therapy at a clinic here in Morristown. It’s a grueling little schedule – 3 x week for 1.5 hours per and this is on top of chemo, wound care and a farm. We are busy.

Anyway – her therapist team is an older guy named Donnie and young girl who is full of energy and positive vibes. During therapy, I generally run around town and get other errands done, but I catch the end of each session, I watch.

Today that girl was slapping the ba-jesus out of Cathy’s thighs while simultaneously coaching her to move the leg…..and it was working !  I watched the leg move 4-6 inches !  It was cool and those two were having fun. 

My hats off to this young woman with a great attitude.

We started Chemo session # 7 last week.  This one has been particularly hard on Cathy.  Chemo is ruthless.

Anyway  - even though we are doing session 7, the bone marrow biopsy has been scheduled for 5 August. Yeah!!

As I mentioned in the last update – one of 2 things will happen after the biopsy – she is ready or she is not. If not, we will continue with Chemotherapy until she is.

If she is ready, we will talk about stem cell transplant and beginning that evaluation at UT.

Neurology and walking. UT Neurology & Neurosurgery have looked at Cathy case and won’t take it. We are super grateful for the help in getting in the door and all those involved in trying to get something going there. All is not lost on this front however – we finally have a Neurology appointment with ballad health in Kingsport next month.

Yeah !!   

Ok, that’s it. Peace to you and yours. Till next month.

Thank you for your continued support

Kevin and Cathy

Land Basket Farm


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